Which lane shall I choose in which case


I'd like to know more about the lane thing in Smite. I'm quite a MOBA noob and I never really understood the concept of the "who goes which lane?" concept. Could you enlighten me a little about that?

Best Answer

In Conquest, there are three lanes: middle, long, and short. The two outside lanes have a different distance between the middle towers, which is how you can tell them apart. Unlike other MOBAs, they aren't always on the same side of the minimap. Depending on which side of the map you start on, long could be either left or right; the minimap will rotate so that your starting base is always at the bottom and the enemy base is at the top.

The roles in a game of Smite, as far as the metagame is concerned, give information about what your goal in game is, and where you should be playing. These loosely correspond to the god type.

Here's some information about how each role should treat the early-mid game to get you started.

ADC: Pretty much always a Hunter, this player starts the game by taking the attack speed buff (purple), then goes to the long lane and farms. He stays in the long lane, farming, and grabbing the attack speed buff whenever it respawns. He will also go with his team for early-mid game gold fury objectives, since that helps his farm.

Support: Usually a Guardian, although some others work as well. This player starts by helping his mid and ADC get their buffs, then hangs out in the long lane with the ADC for a little while before roaming mid and taking some of the jungle camps. The support will help gank for the ADC and mid, but generally doesn't cross mid into the other side of the map.

Mid: Usually Mages will play mid, although there is a little variation. The mid takes the attack damage buff (red), then goes to the mid lane. This player can shove his lane (kill all the minions quickly) and then go to either long or short as a "rotation" to help the players there and get some kills. If you can shove your lane harder than your opponent (or outright kill your lane opponent), you can get an advantage.

Jungle: You will usually find assassins in the jungle. The jungler starts by taking the speed buff (yellow), then helping the solo laner take the mana buff and going to short with the solo laner for a few waves. Then the jungler goes into the jungle and kills neutral camps, and helps to gank all three lanes.

Solo: The solo laner can be any god type, so long as they have decent sustain (the ability to stay out of base for a long time, usually through healing) and skirmishing (basic 1v1 combat ability). Warriors are usually a good fit, although there are characters in any role that can play solo. The goal here is to farm. You're generally going to be alone for most of the early-mid game, with your solo enemy, facing each other down and farming.