Why did I get suddenly more paragon


I was playing kittens-game, and suddenly I noticed I had 3 paragon, instead of 1. I only reset once, over a month ago, and I had 1 paragon the whole time. I didn't do anything with the console, no jerking around with my savegame or anything. I can't find anything in the changelog that has anything to do with gaining paragon. Where does it come from?

(Bloodrizer, if you are reading this: please do not punish me and set me back to 1 paragon!)

Best Answer

As of yesterday, bloodrizer made a change to award 1 paragon point per 1000 in-game years (about 9.26 real-time days). The changelog hasn't been updated; you'd only know about it by checking the latest source code changes.

Some people are reporting on reddit that they're receiving a point too early; that particular bug will probably get fixed soon.