How to get more zebras


One of the achievements is:

Heart Of Darkness -Become a chieftain of a zebra tribe. (How is this
even possible?) – Have more then one zebra (sic)

I already have my first Zebra which I got when I built a ship. I only don't know how to get a second Zebra.

So how do I get the 2nd Zebra?

And do they add something more than just the achievement?

Best Answer

I already have my first Zebra which I got when I built a ship.

This sounds to me very much like you do not have a zebra. You have instead discovered the zebra race for trading. In order to get an actual zebra joining your village, you will need to play in Iron Will mode (no huts/log houses/mansions built). You will know you've done it right when a Zebra shows up as an actual resource on the left section.

Zebras in Iron Will are a free way to get some small amount of Catpower, which is otherwise impossible without kittens. To make successive Iron Will runs a little easier, every time you reset, your maximum number of zebras will be set to your current zebra count, plus one.