Why I can’t grant a duchy to a count


I have a duchy (Grand Principality of Smolensk) and 2 counties belong to me while 3 other counties to my vassals. Because I have too many duchies I was going to give one of the counties to a good ruler from my dynasty, and next grant him duchy.

This worked well in the past, but not now. After granting a county, the "Grand Landed Title" option is greyed out, the reason is I don't have a landed title which I could grant to this person.

At the same time, I can grand this duchy to one of existing counts…

Why? Is this a new game restriction?

Best Answer

Gavelkind Succession has some mechanics to avoid you giving your heir all your titles except one before you die, so you can't game the system.

You cannot destroy titles subject to gavelkind succession (except titular titles). You cannot give your primary heir more than a single county. That is, you cannot grant them a duchy title or a second county. (You can, however, strengthen them by granting extra castles or tribes.) Furthermore, you can only give your primary heir a county that they are expected to inherit.


But it seems like you are not trying to give your heir a title, but another character. Does the character in question have any traits disqualifying them? is the duchy a regular feudal duchy?