Payday 2 – Do Cops Decrease in Solo or AI Modes?


If I play a loud heist with no AI to help, will there be less cops, and what about stealth? Also, will there be more cops if I bring AI along?

Best Answer

I am a stealth player so I do not know much about loud heists.

By experience, having AI or not does not affect the amount of cops or civis in stealth. However, you can equip each AI with 2 boosts that can help you in the absence of human teammates. These boosts includes increasing your interaction speed which is important in both stealth and loud - though most are only useful in loud(increase health, reload speed etc). The boosts can be unlocked with continental coins which you can obtain in various ways.

In loud I cannot tell if the exact amount of cops is different but the amount of special cops spawns the same(when 4 shields are to spawn they will still spawn 4 of them and not 1) making it relatively harder to play without AI. Also in the absence of AI a single cloaker can end your heist, so I do not suggest doing loud heist solo without AI.