World-of-warcraft – benefit to using a Loot-A-Rang

world of warcraft

The Loot-A-Rang is an item that allows you to "loot a nearby corpse." However, so does right-clicking the corpse. And since this item requires a target in order to be used, you have to click a corpse anyway.

I decided to make a macro to remove the need to click a target:

/targetlastenemy [noexists][nodead]
/use [dead]Loot-A-Rang

While this seemed clever, I soon realized that the Loot-A-Rang actually has both a cast time and a cooldown. Since I rarely only kill one enemy at a time, this makes regular looting faster than using this macro.

Is there really any benefit to using the Loot-A-Rang?

Best Answer

Imagine a corpse in aggro-range of other monsters. In this scenario you could use a Loot-A-Rang to loot the corpse without getting aggro.

Another use was already mentioned by Domocus: You can loot otherwise inaccessible corpses.