World-of-warcraft – Can you have a macro to cast Charge if in bear, a cast sequence if in cat

world of warcraft

This is for the stampede talent where you can ravage without being stealthed after a cat form feral charge. I wanted one button to do Feral Charge if in bear form, and the cast sequence of Feral Charge(Cat Form);Ravage if in cat form.

/cast [nostance:1/3,nostealth] !Bear Form
/cast [stance:1]Feral Charge(Bear Form);[stance:3] Feral Charge(Cat Form)

This is what I have so far. I tried:

/cast [stance:1]Feral Charge(Bear Form)
/castsequence [stance:3]Feral Charge(Cat Form);[stance:3]Ravage


/castsequence [stance:1]Feral Charge(Bear Form);[stance:3]Feral Charge(BearForm);[stance:3]Ravage

The stampede talent is causing all kinds of special case issues for my macro plans.

Best Answer

The other issue is a bug - detailed in this thread

If you don't have Ravage on a button somewhere on your bars, even if that button isn't shown, Ravage will not function in a macro when not stealthed.

This macro does lots for me:

/cast [nostance:1/3] !Bear Form
/cast [stance:1] Feral Charge(Bear Form)
/castsequence [stance:3, target=mouseover,exists,harm,nodead] [stance:3] reset=10 Feral Charge(Cat Form), Ravage, Ravage
/stopmacro [nocombat][stealth]

It's on the upper left bar at the bottom bound to Alt-2.

2nd Ravage is there in case the first fails because of lag or out of range.