World-of-warcraft – Do I need to have a separate copy of the expansions for each account

world of warcraft

I have the expansions downloaded from a previous account, but want to use a different account to play the expansions on.

Is this possible to do this without buying them again? If I have to buy it again, and I bought the digital version, could I switch computers sometime and play my account on that computer?

Best Answer

You need to purchase a key for each account you want to use an expansion on: if you have two accounts, you need four keys: two WotLK keys and two Cataclysm keys. Simply downloading and installing the expansions won't enable those expansions on your account.

However, you don't need to re-download the expansions just to use a different, expansion-enabled account: as long as you've downloaded and installed them once on your computer, you can use any account that has the expansions activated on it.