World of Warcraft – Does Potion of Treasure Finding Work on All Mobs in Deepholm?

world of warcraft

In World of Warcraft there is a Treasure Finding potion, which "Allows you to sometimes find extra treasure from monsters in Mount Hyjal, Vashj'ir, Deepholm, Twilight Highlands and Uldum. Lasts 1 hour. Effect persists through death. (1 Min Cooldown)".

In Deepholm there is a section above the Twilight Preciple where monsters will spawn over and over, and give XP and loot.

Specifically this place.

Will the potion of treasure finding work on these mobs under the current version of WoW, and all other mobs in Deepholm?

Best Answer

I decided to test the potion for myself, and while it does work I feel like that it has a greatly reduced drop rate in this area. Testing else where I would get 1 loot every 5 enemies slain, but in this specific location it was 20-25.

But yes, the potion will work, but not frequently.