World-of-warcraft – Does timewalking drop better, worse, or equal gear to heroics

world of warcraft

Assuming you are max level (110) I am wondering if it's better to run time-walking or heroic dungeons for gear. Which places drop better iLevel? At the time of this question the current expansion is Legion.

Best Answer

I ran a time-walking dungeon which consistency dropped items of 830 ilvl.
War forged upgraded items went to 845 ilvl.
It's also worth mentioning that when we beat these dungeons some people got achievements for "heroic[whatever]". So Time-walking is the same difficulty as heroic.

Then I ran a heroic dungeon which consistency dropped items of 825 ilvl.
War forged upgraded items went to 840 ilvl.

**Summary: Time Talking seems to have slightly better gear. In addition, you can get weekend time-walking quests outside Violet Hold's entrance that give good rewards. **