World-of-warcraft – How many people do we need to get the classic 25-man raid guild achievements

achievementsworld of warcraft

I believe that we need 8 members to do the old 10-man raids for the guild achievements. I seem to vaguely recall a mention that 25-man would only need 8 people as well but I'm not sure if that made it out of beta.

Also, do 40-man raids still exist? How many people do we need for those?

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

You need 8 guild members in the raid for all pre-cataclysm raid achievements in 10, 20, and 25 man zones. 40 man raids require 10 guild members. 5 man dungeon achievements require 4.

And, with the exception of Naxx 40, yes, all of the old 40 man zones (MC, BWL, and AQ40) are still in the game.