World-of-warcraft – Lich King raids are still available or disabled

world of warcraft

I absolutely missed all the Icecrown quests and most of all the quest to kill the Lich King.
Are these quests still available after Cataclysm release? Or would they disable them since it makes no sense chronologically?
If they are still there, are they 5-man or 10-man raids? Do people still play them at all? Can they be soloed now?


Best Answer

They're all still available, even though they make no sense chronologically (as admitted by Blizzard).

All the dungeons are the same numbers as previously - 10 and 25 man for the ICC raid, and 5 man for Forge of Souls, Pit of Saron and Halls of Reflection.

They probably can't be soloed, but there would be very few people running them now that there's new content.

The only dungeons/raids removed as part of Cataclysm was Zul'Gurub, the old level 60 20 man.