World-of-warcraft – Soloing Sunwell with a Rogue

world of warcraft

I would like to know if there are any good ways of soloing Sunwell Raid as a Rogue. I gave it a try yesterday, but got bashed by Brutallus. This seems strange as I can solo BlackTemple relatively easily.

I would like to farm Tho'Ridal, the Legendary Bow.

So, how can a Rogue solo Brutallus?

Best Answer

Obviously this fight is much easier if you aren't tanking. So go get a tank! The Terracotta Fragment trinket summons a mogu Terracotta Warrior tank which will easily hold aggro. One rogue reported on Wowhead using it successfully on Brutallus, getting him down to 50% before the tank died and then blowing all cooldowns to finish him off.

Terracotta Fragment drops from the rare Jonn-Dar in Valley of the Four Winds. He can be found in Torjari Pit, the ruins between Nesingwary's Safari and Stoneplow. This trinket is usable by all classes, so it should make it possible for any DPS spec to solo this fight.