World-of-warcraft – What are the consequences of excessive drinking

world of warcraft

Throughout the world of Azeroth, there are a plethora of alcoholic beverages available.

Upon consuming a few strong ones, or a bunch of weak ones, I have become intoxicated to the point where I can barely fly/walk/ride straight, and cannot see much on the screen as everything has become blurry.

I have heard that you could reach a point of puking, slurred speech, etc.

Are there other effects? Such as casting wrong spells, missing your target more often, or perhaps passing out or achieving some other form of paralysis?

Are there any long term effects?

So basically, what are the effects of excessive drinking?

Best Answer

There are many effects that occur but I wouldn't classify any of them as "Fatal". The things that will happen:

Negative effects:

  • Your screen goes blurry
  • You can't really walk straight anymore (swimming and flying can be really tough)
  • If you say something in chat "S" will occasionally become "SH" and sometimes a "...hic!" is added randomly.
  • The level of NPCs is displayed as 5 levels lower (the real level still remains the same though).
  • You can get a debuff "Totally Smashed" that will cause you to vomit. You are stunned during this.

Positive(?) effects:

  • You can get an achievement for falling 65 yards if you're drunk during the brewfest.
  • Yay let's get smashed in an MMO!

Your Drunk status will go away after some time or on-death.