World-of-warcraft – Would using Fury / Arms armor while running in Protection spec improve the warrior’s solo dps

world of warcraft

I'd like to create a secondary set of armor to use while soloing that improves my DPS without requiring me to switch specs. Some of the protection spells require dodge or parry to proc, and I know dodge / parry also increases my critical strike chance due to Riposte, but I'm still curious if I could improve my DPS by replacing dodge or parry with Critical Strike or Haste anyway?

Best Answer

Your DPS would go up, offcourse, but your tankiness will go down. So ask yourself, are you running instances (dungeons, raids,...) in the role of a tank, then why do you need more dps? If you are doing quests solo, just change to fury or arms (I advise fury). It is that much quicker to level.