World-of-warcraft – Wow expansion pack help

world of warcraft

Ok, first time useing this thing…..
Heres my question
I want to buy wow in stores not useing the subscription so do I need to buy every upgrade (or expansion) or can I just but vanilla and get WoD. Or do I just need to buy vanilla. Pls keep it simple my brain is stressed I already played the trial and everything. Thank you for taking your time and reading

Best Answer

You can play the game for free using the starter edition

EU Starter edition signup

US Starter edition signup

Once you get to level 20 you need to buy the game if you want to get to a higher level

If you buy the game you need to pay a subscription to access your characters above level 20, but if your subscription runs out you can still access any characters that are level 20 and below.

According to wowpedia you can reach level 90 with the standard game

wowpedia - level cap

If you buy warlords of dreanor you get a character level boost to level 90 - Level 90 Character Boost

See the following for a more detailed breakdown:

Do I need to buy all the released updates to begin playing WoW?