XBox 360 no longer displaying video – However, no RROD


So I went to turn on the 360 yesterday to play some NCAA as I like to do from time to time and noticed that nothing came up on the screen.

I found this odd and then looked to see if there was any red-ring of death notification; however, there wasn't. So I'm not quite sure if there is a repair I can do myself.

Leading up to this the video was starting to act goofy….almost like the videocard wasn't able to render everything and keep up. It was like layers were missing from the video and the quality had gone to crap. I assume this is a video card issue….

Any ideas on how to fix this?

I'm guessing I'm SOL but am hoping someone can help me out.

Best Answer

This is undoubtedly a video card issue. I had something similar, only it was displaying just green gobbledygook. Your only recourse is to call up Microsoft and hope it's under warranty -- or replace it.
