Xbox 360, unrecognized disk error 03-57-00


I got an error message from my xbox 360. 03-57-00.

I followed the recommendations given by xbox. Now I was attempting to play a disk that I had played earlier and left in the machine.

When I returned I had the error code "unrecognized disk error: 03-57-00". I checked and cleaned the disk I had been using. Still I received the same error code again. I tried another 3 disks, but with no success. Even cleaning with a lens cleaner did not help. I unplugged the Skylanders portal and the Disney 3.0 portal as well as both controllers. Again, I got the same error code.

At this point I opened the disk tray. I then made a note of which way the title was facing. I attempted to run the disk again, but I got the same error code. However I noticed that the title of the disk was in the same spot from when I closed the disk tray. I tried this several more times. Each time the disk title stayed in the same spot.

I did this again with two other disks. Same result. I also had unplugged everything from USB ports.

So the question I have is this: What else can I do to get around this error message? Or does this sound like the motor that turns the disk gave out? I really need to know. Thank you for your time and effort to help me.

Best Answer

Sad to hear that.

Seems like your disk reader got crap'd up. You should go to a repair service somewhere.

Also, it doesn't seem like a disk reader problem, try to put the disk into another xbox.

Hope it helped.