Xbox – Finn’s Lute bug; Converting Xbox 360 save to PC to resolve


Playing Skyrim on Xbox 360. Ran into the Finn's Lute bug.

To resolve this, I'm thinking about taking my Xbox 360 save game file, converting it to a PC save game, entering in the PC console code: setstage BardsCollegeLute 40, then converting back to an Xbox 360 save game.

Has anyone done this? Would anyone advise against this?

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Note: I recognize that this process may be similar with another game, such as Mass Effect 3, but it's not the same. Similar, but not the same. This question has multiple elements:

  • Can the saved game be successfully converted from Xbox 360 to PC?
  • Can the saved game be successfully modified using the console code?
  • Can the successfully modified game be converted back to Xbox 360, with changes intact?

Thus, I do not believe this question is duplicate. Though, I appreciate the chance to explain the question further.

Best Answer

The save file format used in Skyrim for Xbox, once it has been extracted from the Xbox save file container file, is identical to the format used on PC and only needs its file extension changed from .dat to .ess. The game engines are also identical.

So the answers to your questions are yes, yes, and yes.