Xbox gold membership needs to be split into two to keep teenagers from fighting – please help!


I purchased one xbox gold card for family, now my two teenagers are fighting over it…can I purchase another and move one kids stats to that membership?

Best Answer

In the short term, there isn't much you can do;

You could buy a second Gold account, but there's no way to transfer stats or, more importantly, to share downloaded content and games across accounts. Also, it gets kind of pricey.

In the long term, MS is looking to solve this problem with the XBox One with the introduction of Home Gold Sharing, but sadly, that doesn't help you now with a 360 and kids who, I'm sure, are not particularly patient about such things.

Either way, there's no way to go back in time and split up historical stats and achievements. What's been done on one account has been done on that account forever, and cannot be moved to a different one.