Xbox – How to play an XBox 360 game if the disk is unreadable


I recently bought FIFA 14 and somehow I managed to knock my Xbox over and create a massive burn ring on the disk. The game reads and works right up to the title screen, then it says 'Disk Is Unreadable' like any other scratched or burnt disk.

Now I know of all the DIY tricks to try and fix this, but obviously finding someone with the game, installing the game, and then using my disk as a 'key' is less risky and should still work, right? Only problem is I don't know anybody with FIFA 14 on Xbox 360, and in South Africa you can't rent Xbox games because DVD rental places don't really exist anymore.

Since I bought the game, 100% original and all, is there a way to download a FIFA 14 image and install it onto my Xbox, the same way you would with a friends disk or doesn't it work like that? Is there another way that I don't know about?

Best Answer

No, there is not a legitimate way to download the FIFA 14 install image from the internet to load it onto your Xbox 360.