xbox-one,xbox-network,xbox-game-pass – How to Share Xbox Game Pass Between Two Consoles Simultaneously


Is it possible to share Game Pass Ultimate between two consoles at the same time?

I remember when I had two Xbox Ones about 5 years ago, I was able to have a home console and a guest console.

We're looking at getting one of the new Xbox and are hoping to be able to share both the network connectivity ("Gold") and games (via Game Pass) at the same time.

Best Answer


The Xbox Live infrastructure hasn't changed. You will be able to set the Series X as Home Console via the Settings -> General -> Personalization menu where you can set "My Home Xbox".

This feature is a feature of the Xbox family and works identically across all Xboxes. Keep in mind that this means that you can have one Home Xbox, not one of each kind (i.e. Xbox One and Xbox Series X).