Xbox – Skyrim’s slow loading screens


Skyrim on the Xbox 360 has really slow loading screens on my xbox? Is there anyway of speeding up this progress or is it like this all the time?? The questions that I raise are

  1. Is it the xbox that can't process the game quick enough?
  2. Is it slow because of the buffering of the zone?
  3. Is there any ways of speeding the process? If you already installed the game and seen no difference?

Best Answer

I actually looked into this once and I don't believe there is anything you can do to make it faster. I installed the game to my hard drive and the only difference I noticed was that the game stopped freezing on the occasional loading screen.

Speed-wise I don't think you can do anything. The game just runs/loads a lot of data and the Xbox's hardware is limited and can't be upgraded. It's a bit annoying but it's just something you have to endure if you wish to play.

But keep in mind, the reason the loading screens are so long is so that when you're running around actually doing something important the game (typically) won't slow down or lag.