Xbox – soft blurry graphics on xbox 360 hooked to pc monitor


i bought an xbox 360 today and hooked it to my monitor with an hdmi cable. everything looks good except when i get into a game, (madden for example), the quality is softish kinda blurry, the characters and everything. heres my monitor:
I'm running at 1080p. Ive tried using different resolutions but it still has the same result
does anyone have an idea on how to fix this?

Best Answer

Try a different monitor or TV and see what happens. If the effect is the same try a different hdmi cable (they don't break easily but they are not indestructible)

If the problem isnt resolved, try a factory reset on the Xbox 360.

If this doesn't help I'm afraid you have a faulty hdmi port on the Xbox 360. If you bought it from a store you can always try to see what the shop can do for you in terms of service like a replacement if that's still available.

If you bought it from lets say ebay I'm afraid they sold you a broken Xbox 360 and maybe you can pick it up with them but I guess thats the risk buying from ebay.