Pathfinder 2E – Selecting Flier and Fast Movement for a Raven Familiar


On the page Familiars it says, "If your familiar is an animal that naturally has one of these abilities (for instance, an owl has a fly Speed), you must select that ability. Your familiar can’t be an animal that naturally has more familiar abilities than your daily maximum familiar abilities."

Also, within the Raven stat block "Speed 10 feet, fly 40 feet"

Lastly, On the Familiars mentioned above, "Fast Movement (Core Rulebook pg. 218 2.0): Increase one of the familiar’s Speeds from 25 feet to 40 feet.
Flier (Core Rulebook pg. 218 2.0): It gains a fly Speed of 25 feet."

Therefore, do you have to select both flier and Fast Movement automatically each morning as a result of a Raven having a natural flight speed of 40 feet?

side note I find it extremely infuriating that they give an example of an owl, when by RAW, you cannot select an Owl. You must select an animal that is classified as tiny, and owls fall into the category of Bird, which is Small, not tiny Bird : Eagle, Hawk, Owl

Much appreciated for your time, consideration, and grace.

Best Answer

Yes. Familiars gain no abilities from the kind of animal they are, and must instead take the abilities. The only things they gain directly from the kind of animal you choose are the thematic description and appearance.

If you are taking a Raven, you must select Flier if you want your Raven to fly at all. It will gain a fly speed of 25 feet.

If you then take Fast Movement, you will be able to increase it's flight speed to 40 feet.

RAW it could easily be argued that you must take Flier and Fast Movement, but I personally wouldn't enforce that.

As a GM, I would simply rule it that you only have the abilities you select, and allow you to select them as you like -- for example, you could select a wingless Raven, and thus not have to take Flier.