[RPG] Awakened animals and class levels


Let's say that I am a lv9 druid who just cast Awaken on my wolf animal companion. I feel like I don't fully understand the mechanical changes that occur as a result. What I understand so far is:

  • Wolf int is now 3d6, Cha +1d3, +2d8 health
  • Wolf is friendly to druid by default, but acts and grows independently
  • Gains ability to speak/understand one language (more with positive int modifier)

What I am unclear about:

  • What is the wolf's class level?
  • Who plays the wolf? GM or druid player?
  • Does the wolf gain xp as if a member of the party?
  • Is there anything I'm missing?

Followup Questions

  • Does the wolf retain stats gained through nature's bond with druid, or are they reverted to the stats of a normal animal of their type, but with the specified bonuses?
  • Can anyone provide examples of how awakened animal companions are usually handled, both mechanically and narratively?

Best Answer

A couple of quotes from the Animal Archive, via d20pfsrd entry for Awaken

The moment the spell takes effect, an animal companion ceases to be a class feature, and instead becomes a person


Most pointedly, awakened animals can no longer serve as companions, and the character must follow the rules for Leadership if he wishes to take the animal as an official cohort.

So, long story short, the awakened animal is no longer elligible to be your animal companion, and would revert to the default stats for the animal, and then be adjusted by Awaken. You could then find a new companion, and use Leadership to take your old companion as a cohort, assuming they want to.

Up front, the Awakened companion has no class levels, but in theory, could take them in future.

As an NPC, your GM now controls the Awakened animal, although he might delegate control to you for simplicity.

Depending on what happens, if the companion decides to join the party, they could earn XP, although not if they are a cohort.