[RPG] Can a changeling be born from a Tiefling parent


I am considering my next character to be a changeling with a tiefling parent.
A child has a 50/50 chance of being either, when born to a human.

Is there existing lore where a changeling and tiefling have a changeling child?

Best Answer


While this is not established in 5E, old lore often carries through from older editions if it is not superseded by new lore. So, the only book I'm aware of that talks about Changeling reproduction is the 3.5E book Races of Eberron. From there, we get the following...

Two changeling parents breed a changeling child. A changeling and a humanoid can mate to produce an offspring with the child having a 50% chance to be of either race.

-Page 45 (Emphasis Mine)

Your question noted that there's a 50/50 chance of getting a changeling if they mate with a human...but it's not just human. It's any humanoid. Changelings can reproduce with literally any creature with the Humanoid Type, and there is a 50/50 chance of getting a Changeling, or getting whatever the other parent was. And it is binary...you don't get, say, a Half-Changeling, Half-Bullywug.


It is, perhaps, worth noting that Planetouched (i.e. Tieflings) in 3.5E were not actually considered humanoid. They were 'Native Outsiders.' But they are Humanoids now, and it's not clear in Races of Eberron that this ruling was meant to exclude humanoid-but-not-really races like Planetouched.