[RPG] Can a Pearl of Power be used to cast Identify


My group recently located a Pearl of Power on their adventures.

The campaign setting is not always a place where spell components are easy to come by. As a consequence, the players have asked me if they can use the Pearl of Power as a spell component in order to cast Identify.

Identify requires 'a pearl worth at least 100 gp' (which will not be consumed). The Pearl of Power does not have a stated value but it might reasonably be concluded to be worth consderably more than 100 gp due to it's other properties.

Can it be used in this way?

Best Answer

Yes, it can, for both RAW and RAF reasons.

It is worth at least 100 GP based on being an uncommon magic item which is valued at 101-500 GP (DMG, p. 129 & p. 139). It is a pearl. The spell component is not consumed in the casting.

(a pearl worth at least 100 gp) (identify, spell description, SRD)

RAW (rules as written): nothing prohibits its use.
RAF1 (rules as fun): why not allow it? That's a good use of assets by the players.
Bravo to your players!

1 RAF. Regardless of what’s on the page or what the designers intended, D&D is meant to be fun, and the DM is the ringmaster at each game table. The best DMs shape the game on the fly to bring the most delight to their players. Such DMs aim for RAF, “rules as fun.” ... I recommend a healthy mix of RAW, RAI, and RAF!