[RPG] Can the warlock use his familiar as the point of origin for telepathy


One of my players plays as a Warlock with the Great Old One patron and the Pact of the Chain boon.

My question is: can he use telepathy while controlling his familiar (i.e. seeing with its eyes), on a target that is in the range of the familiar but not in the range of the Warlock?
Thank you.

Best Answer

No, a Warlock is not able to use their telepathy through their Familiar.

The section referencing sharing sight/hearing only pertains to sharing those senses. The Warlock is not possessing or otherwise present where the Familiar is, whereas the Awakened Mind class feature references (emphasis mine):

You can communicate telepathically with any creature you can see within 30 feet of you.

Since the Warlock is not actually present where their familiar is, any targets the familiar (and therefore a sense-sharing Warlock) can see are not valid targets.