[RPG] Can you Eldritch Blast as a Readied action even though it’s multiple attacks


It has been already said that the eldritch blast is an attack with separate spell attack rolls on each beam

The PHB states:

You can direct the beams at the same target or at different ones. Make
a separate attack roll for each beam.

But what happens when you ready an action with an eldritch blast? You can't do multiple attacks on a readied action, I can't find any rules that contradicts that the eldritch blast can be used at its full potential on a readied action.

Best Answer

The Ready action includes no restrictions on the number of attacks you can make. You might be thinking of the restriction in the Extra Attack ability:

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

So a character with Extra Attack can only make a single attack when they Ready the Attack action, but there is no general restriction on multiple attacks with the Ready Action.