[RPG] Can you prevent players using cantrips to tell whether a creature is disguised as an object


As it is established in the question below that there is some distinction between a cantrip that targets a creature and targeting an object:

What happens when a caster targets an object that looks like a creature with a spell that targets only creatures?

Considering cantrips have unlimited use this allows players to methodically target all objects in an area until the cantrip (that only targets creatures) has a success. This is bad as it reduces engagement with the game, there is no need to analyse the situation to determine if an apparent corpse is someone playing dead or a chest is a mimic.

They can just say "I cast Eldritch Blast on every corpse and object in the room, working left to right" with no worry of hitting an object.

The XGE optional rule does not help as cantrips don't consume a spell slot. It only confirms that nothing happens on targeting an object.

What can a DM do to prevent this boring but highly effective tactic?

EDIT: many have asked what is the relevant distinction between this cantrip tactic and weapon attacks, the distinctions are:

  • It is ranged with no cost in resources such as ammunition, so DM cannot limit this by running out of projectiles.
  • A weapon attack does not automatically reveal if the "thing" targeted is an object or corpse, you'd have to make a very good perception check to see the reaction to being hit. The moment you succeed in casting Eldritch Blast you instantly know you targeted a creature, which is far more reliable than investigating.
  • This avoids you desecrating corpses so I cannot have NPCs object to dead bodies being mutilated as an incentive to carefully investigate. It only appears they are continually casting a spell with no effect.
  • This prevents the use of area traps that are triggered by an object being jolted (such as being shot by an arrow) as an incentive to investigate. As when such cantrips target objects the spell fails.

Best Answer

Don't use the rule in the first place.

If you are not running adventures league you have great leeway to adapt the rules. Object vs. creature vs. illusion and whatever else is one of the rules ripe for ignoring.

Eldritch Blast (as an example) is just sending a beam of force in a certain direction, just let it hit whatever they aim for. Problem solved.

I have always done this and it hasn't caused a single odd situation in my games, in fact it is far more realistic and adds to the game rather than detracts.

Overall whenever you find a rule and think 'this rule is causing a lot of problems' don't then look for more rules to counteract that rule, just ignore it, improvise and move on.