[RPG] Do sorcery points made from converted spell slots vanish after a long rest


I was wondering about the sorcerer's ability to turn sorcery points into spell slots, where the same conversion rate applies to turn spell slots into sorcery points.

If, by the end of the day, you have unused spell slots and you want to risk the overnight ambush, could you turn them into sorcery points to be used the next day? Or would they disappear anyway?

Sorcery points are replenished after a long rest, but that only infers to ones that have been expended, and ones created by spell slots are theoretically one-use, so do they disappear daily or can they stack?

Best Answer

Sorcery points are replenished to a maximum.

You may convert your unused spell slots into sorcery points before taking a long rest, however they cannot exceed your maximum.

Upon waking all sorcery points will be replenished, to your maximum and no more.

You can never have more sorcery points than shown on the table for your level. You regain all spent sorcery points when you finish a long rest. PHB 101