[RPG] Does 5e have a Manual of the Planes


I'm building a Warlock with an Archfey patron, and I want to read more about the Feywild. I remember the AD&D Manual of the Planes and it had information from all the planes. Does 5e have one of these? If not, is there a place I can read in-depth about the Archfey and the Feywild? (Similar information on Hell, demon princes, and the Abyss would also be greatly appreciated.)

Best Answer

The Dungeon Master's Guide and Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes are your best bet

The DMG has a chapter on the planes, which does include the Feywild on pp. 49-50 (and the Nine Hells/Abyss too, pp. 64-66 and 62-63 respectively).

There is more info in MToF on both the Feywild and the Eladrin on pp. 49-50 (what a strange coincidence!), as well as an entire chapter on the Blood War, with plenty of information on devils, demons, the Nine Hells and the Abyss (pp. 5-34).

There is also a tiny bit of information on a few Archfey in the Sword Coast Adventure's Guide, p. 138, but it's basically just a sentence or two about half a dozen or so possible warlock patrons. Not really worth being a proper part of this answer, but just thought I'd include it for completeness.