[RPG] Does being in the same space as an ogre allow a halfling to hide between its legs


Say I have a level 3 lightfoot halfling rogue fighting an ogre. Can I move 10 feet into the space of an ogre, use cunning action to hide, hit It with sneak attack (in its groin?), and then move out from its space, all in one turn?

A good answer should include a reference on how to know if the rogue is obscured by the ogre or not.

Best Answer

Technically no. Fifth Edition D&D does not have a concept of facing. So creatures are assumed to be able to see in all directions freely. This would include directly under themselves.

The rules do not allow for creatures to block line of sight, so a creature certainly can't block its own line of sight with its own body. So as far as being obscured by the ogre, that's not possible in RAW 5E.

That said, if I was DMing this game, I'd allow it.

A note about sharing spaces and the justification of facing as an issue here (from comments.)

While the halfling probably can't share the space with the Ogre, the rules do allow the character to break up their movement. Does that mean you can attack/hide in the middle of a movement through the Ogre's space? Could you jump and fire over a short wall? I don't think these are adequately addressed in the rules.

The reason facing matters is that you can't hide from a creature when you are in plain sight of that creature. If you can't be behind a creature, what in the rules says you can be under them and therefore out of view?