[RPG] Does magic jar let you keep background features


Does magic jar let the caster of the spell keep the features obtained by the background of the caster of the spell while the caster of the spell is inside the host body?

For example, does magic jar let you keep charlatan's false identity feature or tools proficiency or the proficiency in Deception and Sleight of Hand (all obtained by the background)?

Best Answer

You would not keep background features

Since features granted by background are not mental abilities or class features, you do not keep them. Also, generally ability score increases and proficiencies are kept separately then standard features so you could not keep proficiencies even if they were gained by a class feature (but not if you "have" proficiency). The wording matters.

Some insight from Jeremy Crawford, lead designer:

hp, which are replaced by the beast' s hp while using wild shape.

Since the qualities that are one-time benefits are replaced (anything that is a permanent buff to an attribute like HP or Strength for example), you don't get to keep them even though they are class benefits.

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