[RPG] Multiple castings of magic jar and the results on the hosts


Is it possible to cast Magic Jar from the host body? If yes, is the ex host body treated as the starting body described in the spell?

Some scenarios I would like considered are:

  • What happens to the first container and first possessed body upon casting of magic jar the second time?

  • Does the possessed body count as "your body" for the subsequent spell castings?

  • If the 2nd host is killed, do you return to body of the first host? (in other words, does the spell daisy chain?)

Best Answer

No, not according to RAW.

The spell description makes a clear distinction between your body (described respectively as 'your body' or 'your living body') and the possessed body (described as 'target's body' or 'host body'). Therefore, as specified in the spell, Magic Jar must be cast from your body not the host body.

Your body falls into a catatonic state as your soul leaves it and enters the container you used for the spell's material component.

The spell never mixes the two terms and distinguishes what you can do from your body, the host body, and the soul container. I would say you cannot chain the Magic Jar spell as suggested above. Sadly, many 5e spells appear to be weaker or less versatile than their older versions. If you would like to play around with this in 5e, it would be homebrew territory.

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