[RPG] Does the multiplier for wielding a weapon two-handed apply to the Dex mod if I have the Weapon Finesse feat


I have a rogue with the Weapon Finesse feat:

When making a melee attack with a light weapon or rapier, you may use your DEX Mod instead of your strength Mod on the attack roll.

Since a rapier's hands datum is 1, I can wield it two-handed:

If you wield it two-handed, add 1-1/2 times your STR Mod to melee damage instead.

If the character's Str mod is +1 and Dex mod is +3, and they have the Weapon Finesse feat, is a two-handed attack always +1.5, or can it be +4.5?

Best Answer

No, for three reasons:

First, Rapier specifically states:

You can’t wield a rapier in two hands in order to apply 1½ times your Strength bonus to damage.

Second, Weapon Finesse allows you to use DEX mod instead of STR mod on attack rolls. Wielding a one handed weapon in two hands allows you to add to your damage rolls. Two completely different cases.

Third, you cannot use Weapon Finesse when wielding two handed weapons, or wielding a one handed weapon in two hands. There are a couple of specific items that change this ( iirc, Elven Courtblade from Races of the Wild and the cheesechain Spiked Chain ), but it is limited to those items.