Pathfinder 1E – How To Use Page of Spell Knowledge Most Effectively


I have asked a question about comparing the Page of Spell Knowledge and the Ring of Spell Knowledge in Pathfinder. However, after asking it I realized that I am a bit confused about how does it work. Does it…

  • …add the spell to the list of your known spells, not counting towards your maximum amount of spells known?
  • …just allow you to look at the page and cast a spell from it as many times as you can, powering it using your spell slots?

If the first point is correct, does it…

  • …disappear upon usage?
  • …allow for multiple spontaneous casters to benefit from it?

Best Answer

The item has this effect:

It contains the knowledge of a single arcane or divine spell (chosen by the creator when the item is crafted).

If the bearer is a spontaneous spellcaster and has that spell on her class spell list, she may use her spell slots to cast that spell as if it were one of her spells known.

So when this item is generated, a spell must be selected. Should be one spontaneous spellcasters can use or it wouldn't make much sense.

See the text I bolded above. Two conditions must be met for the item to be useable.

  • bearer is a spontaneous spellcaster
  • has that spell on her class spell list

Addressing your points:

  • ...add the spell to the list of your known spells, not counting towards your maximum amount of spells known?

Yes-ish. But only so long as you are the "bearer" of the page. The interpretation below is better.

  • ...just allow you to look at the page and cast a spell from it as many times as you can, powering it using your spell slots?


If the first point is correct, does it...

  • ...disappear upon usage?


  • ...allow for multiple spontaneous casters to benefit from it?

Yes. If they pass the page along, they can cast the spell using their slots.