[RPG] faster way to do character creation


Has anyone managed to find or make a faster way to do character creation in Traveller? (original ed)

I'd like to start a campaign but I don't want to spend most of a session just rolling up a character. A dozen rolls to create a character is too many for the group I'm playing with. I'd rather have a point-buy system or character templates – anything to get the game off and running early in the first session. (I know of at least three different ways to home-rule the "death" roll, so that isn't an issue.)

This is for a one-off adventure between campaigns. I don't expect a lot of commitment from the players.

Best Answer

I agree with the comment that using pre-generated characters is your best bet. I've used them successfully on one-shot campaigns, and players enjoy trying to find the character that they can most easily identify with. If you do go with pre-gens, it might be worth writing up a quick paragraph to describe the character's capabilities if you're playing with players who are not familiar with UPPs and what skills mean. In my game, I gave them the adventure backgrounder, let them choose characters and then had them shop for themselves. In my case though, I was able to email the characters, background and equipment list so the players were ready before hand. That may not work for you.

You can also have them roll UPP stats, then give them a set number of skill levels to buy skills with. You can decide if you want older, more experienced characters or relatively unskilled ones, then give them 2 skill points per 4 years of age (which I'll call "terms" to keep things simple), which is about how things average out. To keep things balanced, you could cap skill levels at the number of terms, but that may not be necessary.

Have each player choose a profession and then just buy skills off of the generation tables as they see fit, respecting the EDU limits for advanced education.

At the end of this process, give them a list of relevant skills for the adventure, and let them each choose one. This will make sure that they have certain critical skills that your adventure is assuming they will have.