[RPG] How are feats determined for creatures with hit dice and class levels


For a character with hit dice that is adding its first character level, does it get a feat at first character level or its next odd hit dice?

For example a bugbear becomes a bugbear barbarian 1. Will it gain a feat?

Best Answer

In the D20 core, Monster HD are a class level.

Feats come from three sources: Every odd character level, class-specific feats (called Class Features), and sometimes a racial feat or two.

So, the class-specific fighter feat at level 1 is at CLASS level 1.

The feats in the monster description usually include racial and character level.

EG: A 4 HD Centaur is a 4th level character; make him a level 1 fighter, and he is now a 4HD centaur (with the racial feats), 1st level fighter (with the level 1 feats for that), and 5th level character (with the level 5 feats).

For a 3HD monster, he gets his ever odd character level feat when he gains 2 class levels. He gains his 1st level class-features at level in that class.

From what I recall from the beta, that hadn't changed.

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