I'm mostly referring to druid and ranger, but also curious about wizard. How do these classes control their animals?
I thought the handle animal skill was mostly reserved for animals that you train/buy/find but after reading some more it sounds like it might apply to all animals.
EDIT: i.e. I want to know if I have to roll a handle animal check every time I want my animal to attack something.
Do you have to do a handle animal check every time you want them to do something or is that mostly reserved for animals you train/find? Also, does this change if your druid/ranger/wizard companion has a high intelligence?
Best Answer
For Animals - Handle Animal
Handle Animal is the skill for handling animals. That's true of animal companions, and animals you happen to buy or find in the wild. For tricks the animal knows, it's a DC 10 check. For others, it's a DC 25 check.
Druids & Ranger animal companions get the Link special ability, which gives +4 on handle checks and lets a handle be done as a free action. As Handle Animal is a class skill for both classes, it's fairly straightforward for both of them to get it up high enough that they can't fail the roll to use a trick.
So yes, you still have to use the Handle Animal skill to get your animal to do a command. But if it's a trick and it's your animal companion, doing so is a free action and with a few skill points in Handle Animal you should never be able to fail the roll. It's essentially automatic at that point, for tricks. For other non-trick commands (and people without animal companions), it's more involved.
More Intelligent Creatures (like Familiars)
The thing with normal animals is that they're not very intelligent. Familiars start with an intelligence of 6, which makes them intelligent enough to handle differently. Some of them can speak, and at 5th level you can communicate directly with them, so it's more like ordering a henchman around than trying to handle an animal.
Advice on how to play this
Ultimate Campaign has some advice on how to do this. The PFSRD has reprinted it on the Familiar page. Here's some excerpts, the whole thing is really long to copy.