[RPG] How do the Garou detect each other


This is another Werewolf: Wild West question.

The Garou litany states ‘The veil shall not be lifted’, so a Werewolf will avoid revealing their true nature whilst in human society.

If the player characters are strangers at the start of a campaign (“You meet at a tavern, etc.”) how will the party be able to detect each other as fellow Werewolves?

Best Answer

I don't have the books with me so I can not verify this, but I have always played that a simple perception roll can reveal the presence of a werewolf, or indeed a wolf-blooded character.

The idea being that a werewolf smells different than a human, and werewolves have an incredible bestial instinct and sense of smell (combined with their primal urge) they should be able to instinctively know that other werewolves are nearby at least.