[RPG] How does the Savage Attacker feat interact with opportunity attacks


The Savage Attacker feat (PHB, p. 169) states that you can reroll a melee weapon's damage dice "once per turn".

If I used Savage Attacker on my turn, and then I get an opportunity attack when an enemy moves away from me, can I also use the Savage Attacker feat to reroll my damage on the enemy's turn?

Best Answer

Yes, you can use it again on someone else's turn

As you note, Savage Attacker can be used to reroll damage "once per turn". In a given round, each creature gets a different turn (PHB p. 189, "The Order of Combat"):

The game organizes the chaos of combat into a cycle of rounds and turns. A round represents about 6 seconds in the game world. During a round, each participant in a battle takes a turn.

Provided the creature is moving on its own turn (not on your turn), you can use this feature again even if you used it during your turn.

This is a very similar reasoning to the rogue using Sneak Attack outside their turn, as it uses similar wording.