[RPG] How is it possible to have an ability score that is less than 3


The “Ability Scores and Modifiers” table on page 13 of the PHB indicates that an ability score of 1 (resulting in a -5 modifier) or 2 (resulting in a -4 modifier) is possible. This, however, does not seem possible given the methods (provided on said page) used to determine ability scores. I must be missing something quite obvious here.

How is it possible to have an ability score that is less than 3?

Best Answer

Ability scores can decrease.

See, for instance, the shadow and its strength drain ability. Even with score-generation methods that floor scores at 8, it'd only take two drains to threaten a PC with a strength below 3.

Other answers point out feeblemind, wild shapes that could have a stat below 3, and monstrous races with negative racial modifiers were found in Volo (which were later errata'ed out)--they're worth some upvotes, too!