[RPG] How to deal with players who slaughter the innocent


There is a fellow player who is in the group of Pathfinder players I find myself playing with. I only play with him because we have a mutual friend (the DM). He is always trying to attack people for no reason.

Once, there were two NPCs who knew where our main opponent was. We were questioning them when for no reason at all he began attacking them. This made it much harder to find the bad guy in the story, and they were part of a tribe, so anyone we encountered along the way who was also part of this clan would attack us.

Later in the day's journey, I would have my character physically force him not to attack NPCs. A problem with that was that the chances of my character one-shotting said character was high.

I know that some time in the future I will play with him again, and want to know how to deal with him. If anyone would like further details just comment, and I will answer your questions.

Best Answer

Running around and slaughtering the innocent should have consequences

If you were the DM you should try to come up with consequences. How will the people in the town see this player and the group he is running around with see when he slaughters the innocent and the others don't do anything? Or try to do something, but still fail?

Surely at some point someone will investigate. And if you kill a lot of people it will be someone mighty, someone with connections so that you will have nowhere to stay, can't buy stuff. Have a look at my answer to the question With some exceptions, what makes the most powerful mage on the planet, not kill a merchant and steal his goods? on WorldBuilding - that might give you some ideas.

If you are not the DM - talk to the DM. He might take inspiration from the above.

But the main thing to do, as you mentioned that you already talked to the player, as a group, is to talk to him and the DM. Explain how the game is not fun for you when you have to put up with someone who willingly makes everything more difficult. Have a late Session 0 and talk about what everyone expects from the game - with a focus on How do the characters act?