[RPG] How to get younger, less experienced roleplayers to act and think for themselves


I have been running a campaign for a group of 8 people.

Two people in the campaign are mid age, very experienced, and know what they are doing.

6 people in the campaign are young and inexperienced, and don't now what to do. They just follow the other two, which is fine for a short period of time.

How do you get the other two to take a back seat and get the other six to play and take part more?

I tried asking the six players what do they want to do, but they just follow the other two.
I tried separating the six from the other two, and get them to do puzzles and quizzes and mazes without them, but then the other two get annoyed saying things like "It's not that hard guys" and "they take forever".

Basically, the six get fed up of "the Two" controlling everything and running the show while "the Two" get fed up of the 6 taking too long and not thinking for themselves.

Best Answer

You should run a session with only the 6 less experienced players once.

Let them play their characters in a side quest, for which they won't get help/pressure from the 2 experienced players. Don't run a too complex quest, but try to face them with multiple challenges, like puzzles, traps, social interactions, monsters and even a boss, maybe.

When playing, do not let one player take the lead. Ask all of them what they want to try, how they want to react. In combat, the initiative order takes care of that, but for the rest, all the players should be equally involved.

Encourage them to be creative with their actions, even if it does not match what you prepared for the quest. They want to explode the stone door instead of finding the key ? Fine ! They choose to intimidate the merchant to get food ? Let them try, but set a relatively high DC and/or add consequences if they do so !

Reducing the size of your group is really the good way to give each player the chance to get involved and try new things. You could also try to split the party in two groups of 4, each one with an experienced player ! Run separate sessions, and ask your experienced player to teach what he and his character know to the other players, like a mentor ! Everybody can - and should - always learn new things :-)