[RPG] How to help one of the players be more tanky


I'm running a game of four (currently) 5th-level characters. All of them are heavy damage-dealers (a wizard, warlock, ranger and paladin) with the paladin as the nominal tank. However, the paladin is consistently going down the first few rounds of every combat. He has a pretty high AC (20 with shield of faith), but his Con is only 12 resulting in only 39 hit points. For comparison, both the dwarven ranger and warlock have more hit points.

I can sense that the paladin's player wants to be more tanky, but isn't really sure how. They are already in the habit of using shield of faith, as I mentioned, and took the protection combat style. What kind of magic item/special ability/other help would be good to give them to help them feel like they're achieving their goals, without just having them stumble upon an Amulet of Health and letting them dominate? I'd like not to have it be too heavy-handed.

Some ability I could give the other characters to let them buff the paladin would also be good.

Best Answer

It sounds to me like your Paladin player didn't realise the importance of Con when he built him, so the first thing I'd consider is letting him swap some stats about. In the interest of fairness, I'd give this option to everyone. I'd have a brief chat at the end of the next session "Hey guys, we've been playing for a bit, and maybe your characters aren't working quite how you intended. If you want to re-spec them, let me know, and as long as it isn't too broken, we can sort something out."

If you want to stick with their current build, then I'd suggest the Paladin looks at the Aid spell they just got at level 5. Its often overlooked, but gives 5 extra HP to 3 characters without concentration. These are not temporary hit points, but an increase to hit point maximum, meaning they can be recovered by healing and will stack with temporary hit points.

If you want to give them a push with a magic item but don't want to go with the Amulet of Health, the Belt of Dwarvenkind is a good alternative. +2 Con and they grow a beard.

The final option I'd consider, would be the Inspiring Leader feat. A high Cha character, probably your Warlock or Paladin, gives the whole party (Level + Cha mod) temporary hit points. This stacks with the HP boost from Aid, but not other temporary hit points. I'd make this a quest reward only if they really need it and have earned it, because giving out feats can unbalance the game very quickly.