[RPG] Is There Any Way To Restrict An Enethe’s Somatic Component Use


I can't find anything in the book that would allow me to prevent an enemy from using somatic components. Is there such a way to accomplish this?

I originally thought that Manacles would do this, but they don't seem to actually have any mechanical consequences listed.

Best Answer

The somatic component states:

If a spell requires a somatic component, the caster must have free use of at least one hand to perform these gestures.

Just make sure both their hands are tied and you're set. Or cut both of their hands off. The point is that you can restrict their somatic component by making sure they don't have "free use of at least one hand".

What exactly falls within the realm of not having "free use of at least one hand" is mostly left up to the DM. If they think being bound in manacles doesn't stop a caster from casting with the somatic component then you'd just have to bind their hands in another way.