[RPG] Keeping track of time in AD&D 1e


I notice while reading the AD&D 1e manuals there seems to be a heightened importance on the tracking of time compared to when I was playing 4e. I agree with this, I think it helps the game world become more immersive.

But it seems to be quite the chore to calculate exactly how long the players have been wandering through this forest, dungeon, or town. I'm not sure which is the best way to track combat's segments and rounds, either.

As DMs, what have you used to keep track of time in-game in a simple and efficient manner?

Best Answer

Counters are a really useful tool. You give each player a (for example) red counter per ration they have, or other limited resource they need to spend every set amount of time. The DM gets 23 black counters that are each 1 hour, 5 blue counters that are each 10 mins, 9 green counters that are 1 minute each, and so on. Then when time passes you move a counter onto a 'time passed' pile. This is easy to set up and remember, and the players know that they need to spend a red counter every 8 black counters (if they need to eat 3 times per day).

You can also use this to track time left on spells, by having a separate pool of counters that you also take from whenever you add to the 'time passed' pile. When this pool is empty, then the time on the spell has run out.

If you don't have counters, you can use anything else you have to hand. Things like dice, unused minis, pieces from board games and the like are all good choices. I usually use tiddlywinks because of the small size and the large range of colours. Plus, they're flat so they are easy to store and you can stack them.
