[RPG] Most effective way to put enemies to sleep


As the title implies, I'm on a quest to find the most effective way to cause opponents to be put to sleep. Normally, this spell falls off rather abruptly in potency, but if we use a witch with the slumber hex or a bard archetype sandman we find that they both allow for unlimited hit dice to be effected in order to induce a sleep-like effect.

Things to focus on are traits, races, feats, magic items, conditions, and class.

Many classes like fey blooded sorcerer get their perk at level(15), but this question has level 20 as the cap to work with.

The best I have come up with so far:

A kitsune bard sandman archetype at lvl 18 gets +1 racial, +2 insistent benefactor trait, +1 overwhelming beauty trait, +3 sneak spell, +2 shaken condition, +2 lullaby. This build could effect any amount of HD and is only limited by the number of rounds of bardic performance. If we assume a Charisma score of 20, the numbers stack up like this:

10+5+1+2+1+3+2+2=26 DC

Note: I added shaken/lullaby to the DC even though they are a debuff, just to help out mathematically, and in the interest of optimizing for this effect.

Is this the most effective way to put enemies to sleep, or is there one more powerful/more effective?

Best Answer

The Witch has a few good options. Her Slumber Hex can put a creature of any HD to sleep, and is based off of her hex save. Which scales with her. (DC 10+ 1/2HD + INT) She also gets a grand hex, called Eternal Slumber, which is a permanent sleep effect. Now this has the bonuses of not needing to fascinate a creature first, (Relying only on one save instead of two, and being a bit more combat viable) but has the drawback of only being able to target the same creature once.

The Dreamspun sorcerer is also worth a one level dip as well (If selecting another class. They can perform just as well as other classes and get some extra options vs sleeping opponents!), as they get an innate ability that functions like lullaby, but with a -4.

Being a sorcerer or witch will also allow you access to higher level spells. This can be useful for metamagics to heighten the spell, casting it up to 9th level to increase DC. Or add the Traumatic Spell Metamagic (Keep in mind this may need to be used with other spells, IE something that causes shaken or fear)... Making them take nightmare damage as you put them to sleep!